EPILEPSY WARNING: This video contains strobing lights.
Dark Matters works by conveying messages into a minimalistic abstract visual language, embracing the audience's own imaginations, allowing space for personal interpretation. With the video projection as an architectural extension of physical space, Dark Matters presents their take on movement in modern communication. Be ready for a visual journey, an engaging narrative experience, in minimalistic graphics. http://www.darkmatters.dk/
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)